Quickie Story

Quickie is a high quality affordable chocolate spread. Quickie was launched in 2015 offering a great tasting delicious chocolate spread that saves time, money and energy.


our simple ingredients


Milk is good for the bones because it offers a rich source of calcium, a mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. Milk is a source of potassium, which reduce blood pressure. Vitamin D in milk might play a role cancer protection. Milk has also been proven to boost energy.


Cocoa aids in lowering blood pressure. Consuming cocoa has shown antidepressant effects on certain physiological processes. Cocoa improve brain health and cognitive function. It improves blood circulation and increase oxygen concentration in the skin.


Hazelnuts should be considered a brain-boosting powerhouse. They’re full of elements that can improve brain and cognitive function. They’re important cancer-fighting foods. Individuals who consume high amounts of nuts show higher levels of weight loss due to a boost in metabolism. Hazelnuts can be very useful for building the structure and it increases bone mineral density.

sunflower oil

The health benefits of sunflower oil include its ability to improve heart health, boost energy, strengthen the immune system, improve skin health, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, protect against asthma and reduce inflammation.

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El Rasheedy El Asly