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Flavors And SIZES

el asly halawa
plain bar

halawa spread

El asly
el asly story
Started in 1888 by Mokhtar El Rashidy Basha, Elrashidy Elasly is a story of heritage and originality. It is REMD’s oldest brand and one of Egypt’s first Halawa and Tahini brands.
El Rashidy El Asly Halawa is a high quality product made from 100% pure sesame. El Rashidy El Asly Halawa comes with different ranges like Halawa plain, Halawa with chocolate and Halawa mixed with nuts and its types. Also provides a wide assortment of sizes ranging from 18gm bars to 3800gm packs.
El Rashidy El Asly Halawa has many health benefits and is considered one of the most important sources of energy for the body as it gives power, it also reduces cholesterol, as it contains a high percentage of antioxidant plant sterols.
As the consumer became more “On the go “looking for convenience and new life styles, REMD decided to be the first company in Egypt to introduce Elrashidy El Rashidy El Asly Halawa Spread to satisfy the customer’s needs that boosts your energy and benefit your health.

our simple ingredients

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History Of Halawa
Some scholars have suggested it originated near Istanbul some time before the 12th century, while others believe it dates back all the way to 3000 B.C.E.